Hudson, J.D., Miller, A.D., Allwright, A. (2016) The geology of Eigg: a description of the geology of Eigg for all those interested in the landscape and natural history of the Hebrides, with suggested excursions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Geological Society. Copyright: 2016. Edinburgh Geological Society.

The geology of Eigg

A description of the geology of Eigg for all those interested in the landscape and natural history of the Hebrides, with suggested excursions.

by John D Hudson, Angus D Miller and Ann Allwright

2nd edition 2016

(Front cover) The Sgurr of Eigg viewed from the ferry arriving at Galmisdale.

(Rear cover) Sandstone with concretions near Laig Bay, with Rum in the background.


Title page and preliminaries


Sources of illustrations

Sources of further information

The geology of Eigg

Geology and landscape

Eigg as an island

Eigg in the Hebrides

The geological make-up of Eigg

Jurassic rocks and fossils

Hugh Miller and the Eigg plesiosaur

The Valtos Sandstone and its concretions

Eigg and Muck as oyster beds

Ammonites and belemnites, swimmers in Jurassic seas

The Cretaceous rocks: Scotland in a time of Chalk

The Hebridean Igneous Province

The nature of igneous rocks

The basalt lava flows: Hawaii in the Hebrides



The Story of the Sgurr

Some history

The modern view: how the Sgurr formed

More on the new interpretation

The Eigg pine

After the volcanoes: erosion

During the ‘Ice Age’

Glacial till and glacial erratics

Raised beaches



Excursion 1 Laig Bay and the Singing Sands

Excursion 2 The south coast caves and Grulin

Excursion 3 Kildonnan

Excursion 4 The Sgurr of Eigg

Excursions 5 & 6 North and east coastline

Excursion 5: Eilean Thuilm and Sgor Sgaileach — reptile bones and a columnar sill (Route map 5)

Excursion 6: The east coast: basalt columns, fossils and landslips (No route map)

Excursion 7 Laig Gorge and Clach Alasdair

Glossary of geological terms

Route maps

Eigg timescale inside back cover
