S Engering, S and Barron, H.F. (2007) Doncaster Geodiversity Assessment Volumes 1&2. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report CR/07/025N. For planning purposes consult Doncaster City Council The report is also available as a PDF download from NERC NORA
A14 D20 – D22 Cadeby Cliff/Constitution Hill
Site information
Site name: Cadeby Cliff/Constitution Hill
Site key: D20 – D22
Grid reference:
Site type: exposure, natural
Local authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, South Yorkshire
Site dimensions: 1000 m x 25 m
Site owner: DMBC
Conservation status: Regionally Important Geological Site date: 16/9/97
Field surveyor: Scott Engering Date: 16/2/07
Stratigraphy and rock types
Time unit: Permian Rock unit: Wetherby Member, Cadeby Formation, Zechstein Group
Rock type: Dolostone Details: Massive bedded ooid-limestones, stromatolite reefs, and inter reef sediments
Time unit: Devensian, Late Pleistocene Rock unit: Head
Rock type: Sand and Gravel Details:
Time unit: Devensian, Late Pleistocene Rock unit: Glaciofluvial Deposits
Rock type: Sand and Gravel Details:
Site map
This map is based upon Ordnance Survey topographic material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence Number: 100017897 [2007]
Site description
Extensive site with several exposures of interest along a natural limestone escarpment from
The survey was started at the eastern end, proceeded westwards along the top of the escarpment and returned eastwards following the line of the old railway. The exposures are as follows:
Approximately 3–4 m above these limestones, exposures C and D reveal well cemented, coarse grained, pink gritty sandstone with rounded pebbles up to 10 mm with occasional concentrations of red and orange rounded sandstone pebbles, quartzite and ironstone. Together with large angular limestone fragments, these coarse sandstones appear as fissure deposits within exposed joints in the underlying limestone (B).
In the old quarry in Cadeby Cliff (exposure F
The old quarry at the west end of Cadeby Cliff is fenced off and not readily accessible but from the road at
RIGS assessment of site value
Ratings: 1–2 very poor; 3–4 poor; 5–6 acceptable/useful; 7–8 quite good; 9–10 very good/excellent; N/A not applicable; D/K don't know
Access and safety
Road access & parking Former Earth Centre Car park but DMBC owned land space at east end of Constitution Hill. Limited. Rating: 7
Safety of access Exposure on moderately steep scarp slope requires usual fieldwork precautions. Some access off tracks. Rating: 6
Safety of exposure Exposure on moderately steep scarp slope requires usual fieldwork precautions. No loose or dangerous outcrops. Rating: 7
Permission to visit Owned by Doncaster MBC but paths pass through the site. Rating: 7
Current condition Several natural rock features well exposed. Old quarry requires clearance to facilitate access. Rating: 8
Current conflicting activities None envisaged, except further development on the site
Restricting conditions No collecting
Nature of exposure Natural exposure on scarp slope at head of Don Gorge, with quarry exposures
Multiple exposures/ prospect for trail Good site to study varied lithology in conjunction with North Cliff Quarry, Warmsworth Park, Cedar Road Quarry and Hexthorpe Flatts
Notes Moderately safe and accessible taking usual fieldwork precautions
Culture, heritage & economic
Historic, archaeological & literary associations None known except a connection between Conisbrough and Ivanhoe. Rating: 4
Aesthetic landscape Good views of the Conisbrough outlier, the escarpment Carboniferous topography and Conisbrough Castle,. Rating: 9
History of earth sciences None known. Rating: 0
Economic geology Small quarry exposed. Rating: 5
Notes Conisbrough possesses a variety of interesting geological feature, a historic townscape and outstanding architectural monuments
Education and science
Surface processes Weathering of hard rock, calcite mineralisation and glacial deposition. Rating: 8
Geomorphology Cuesta, breached escarpment related to faultlines. Views of fault bound Conisbrough outlier. Rating: 8
Sedimentary Good range of lithologies and sedimentary structures in limestone, glaciofluvial sands and head. Rating: 8
Fossils Special interests in Permian marine fossils. Rating: 7
Igneous Not applicable. Rating: 0
Metamorphic Not applicable. Rating: 0
Tectonic: structural Evidence of South Don and associated faults from Conisbrough outlier and Cadeby Cliff. Rating: 7
Minerals Calcite mineralisation. Rating: 8
Stratigraphy Good site for stratigraphic correlation, especially reefs, and rare occurrence of cemented Quaternary sand and gravels. Rating: 8
Notes A very good site for education purposes, with some unusual geological features not seen elsewhere in the region
Geodiversity value
A very good geodiversity site with a variety of lithological, geomorphological and historical interests. Rating: 9