S Engering, S and Barron, H.F. (2007) Doncaster Geodiversity Assessment Volumes 1&2. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report CR/07/025N.

For planning purposes consult Doncaster City Council The report is also available as a PDF download from NERC NORA

A29 D99 Skelbrooke Quarry

Site information

Site name: Skelbrooke Quarry

Site key: D99

Grid reference: [SE 505 114] (centred on)

Site type: disused quarries, pits and cuttings

Local authority: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, South Yorkshire

Site dimensions: 50 x 7 m

Site owner: Darrington Quarries Ltd

Conservation status: Regionally Important Geological Site Date: 16/9/97

Field surveyor: Scott Engering Date: 16/2/07

Stratigraphy and rock types

Time unit: Permian Rock unit: Brotherton Formation, Zechstein Group

Rock type: Dolostone Details: Well bedded dolostone

Site map

(Figure 133) — D99 Skelbrooke Quarry

This map is based upon Ordnance Survey topographic material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence Number: 100017897 [2007]

Site description

The site has ceased quarrying activities and is now full with water and is being progressively landfilled. The section of marl described in the 1997 survey has now been landscaped and at the date of the resurvey, a maximum section of 2-3 m of dolostone was still seen in the north-west face. No features of geological interest will remain.

RIGS assessment of site value

Ratings: 1–2 very poor; 3–4 poor; 5–6 acceptable/useful; 7–8 quite good; 9–10 very good/excellent; N/A not applicable; D/K don't know

Access and safety


Road access & parking Not applicable. Rating: 0

Safety of access Not applicable. Rating: 0

Safety of exposure Not applicable. Rating: 0

Permission to visit Not applicable. Rating: 0

Current condition Not applicable. Rating: 0

Current conflicting activities Landfill

Restricting conditions Landfill

Nature of exposure Old quarry exposure

Multiple exposures/prospect for trail

Notes None

Culture, heritage & economic


Historic, archaeological & literary associations Former dolostone quarry. Rating: 5

Aesthetic landscape Not applicable. Rating: 0

History of Earth Sciences Not applicable. Rating: 0

Economic geology Formerly a dolostone quarry. Rating: 0


Education and science

Surface processes Not applicable. Rating: 0

Geomorphology Not applicable. Rating: 0

Sedimentary Not applicable. Rating: 0

Fossils Not applicable. Rating: 0

Igneous Not applicable. Rating: 0

Metamorphic Not applicable. Rating: 0

Tectonic: structural Not applicable. Rating: 0

Minerals Not applicable. Rating: 0

Stratigraphy Not applicable. Rating: 0

Notes Not applicable

Geodiversity value

None. Rating: 0

Site photographs D99 Skelbrooke Quarry

(Figure 134) General view of restoration and tree planting works. [SE 51116 11573].

(Figure 135) Last remaining exposure of limestones of the Brotherton Formation and overlying Roxby Formation. [SE 51116 11573].