NWHG Ref. 003 — Eriboll

Location, grid reference and photograph

The site occupies much of the south-east side of Loch Eriboll, at the north-east corner of the NWHG. Grid Ref. [NC 485 622][NC 380 501].

(Figure 8) View northwards from Anaboll onto the Heilam imbricates, northern Moine thrust Zone. BGS Photo P524871 — M Krabbendam.

(Figure 9) A group of geologists at the Arnaboll Thrust, east of Loch Eriboll. BGS Photo P524872 — M Krabbendam.

GCR site reference, block, volume and notified feature of SSSI?

GCR Ref. 1311, Moine Block, Vol. 34. Notified feature of Inverhope and Eriboll SSSI.

Description and geological significance

The Eriboll site area, on the south-east side of Loch Eriboll, is representative of the northern part of the Moine Thrust Belt and is of international historical importance for its role as a key locality in the understanding of concepts of continental compressional (ie. thrust) tectonics. It contains exceptional examples of thrust structures, associated folds and mylonites.


Although the site covers a large area, some of it is directly accessible by car but some walking is require to reach many of the features. Parts of the site are therefore accessible to all abilities.


Low conservation requirement due to the scale and location of the site.

Visibility and “clarity”

Many of the key features are not directly (or easily) visible from the road. Visual impact of specific features can be high to geological specialists but not the lay-public.

Interpretation and interpretation potential

The site is commonly visited by geology students and researchers. Interpretation is not open to the lay-public without specialist assistance. There are currently no interpretation panels. Nonetheless, it would be most appropriate to incorporate some of the features within a guided walk and certainly to include the constituent site features within a future Geopark guide.

Key references

BUTLER, R.W.H., HOLDSWORTH, R.E. & MATTHEWS, S.J. 2006. Styles of basement involvement in the Moine thrust belt, NW Scotland. In Mazzoli, S. & Butler, R. W. H. (eds) Styles of continental contraction. Special Paper Geological Society of America, 414, 133–151.

BUTLER, R.W.H. 2009. Eriboll. In Mendum, J. R., Barber, A. J., Butler, R. W. H., Flinn, D., Goodenough, K. M., Krabbendam, M., Park, R. G. & Stewart, A. D. (eds) Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine rocks of Scotland. Geological Conservation Review Series, 34, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, 242–249.

HOLDSWORTH, R.E., STRACHAN, R., ALSOP, G.I., GRANT, C.J. & WILSON, R.W. 2006. Thrust sequences and the significance of low-angle, out-of-sequence faults in the northernmost Moine Nappe and Moine thrust zone, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 163, 801–814.

SOPER, N.J. & WILKINSON, P. 1975. The Moine thrust and the Moine Nappe at Loch Eriboll, Sutherland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 11, 339–359.