North West Highlands Geopark Geodiversity Audit and Action Plan 2013–2016

(Front cover)


Title page and preliminaries


Rocks from the dawn of time


The North West Highlands Geopark

The geology and geological structure of the NWHG

The purpose of the audit and action plan


Part 1 — The Geodiversity Audit

North West Highland Geopark : Location Maps

NWHG Ref. 001 — Ben Hutig

NWHG Ref. 002 — Cleit An T-Seabhaig

NWHG Ref. 003 — Eriboll

NWHG Ref. 004 — An T-Sron

NWHG Ref. 005 — Sango Bay

NWHG Ref. 006 — Faraid Head

NWHG Ref. 007 — Balnakeil

NWHG Ref. 008 — Durness

NWHG Ref. 009 — Sandwood Bay

NWHG Ref. 010 — Foinaven

NWHG Ref. 011 — Loch Laxford

NWHG Ref. 012 — Tarbet To Rubha Ruadh

NWHG Ref. 013 — Badcall

NWHG Ref. 014 — Sithean Mor

NWHG Ref. 015 — Scourie Bay

NWHG Ref. 016 — Scourie Mor

NWHG Ref. 017 — Camas Nam Buth

NWHG Ref. 018 — Glencoul

NWHG Ref. 019 — Loch Drumbeg

NWHG Ref. 020 — Stoer

NWHG Ref. 021 — An Fharaid Mhor — Clachtoll

NWHG Ref. 022 — An Fharaid Mhor

NWHG Ref. 023 — The Laird’s Pool, Lochinver

NWHG Ref. 024 — Skiag Bridge

NWHG Ref. 025 — Beinn Gharbh

NWHG Ref. 026 — Cnoc An Droighinn

NWHG Ref. 027 — Traligill Burn

NWHG Ref. 028 — Traligill Caves

NWHG Ref. 029 — Traligill Valley

NWHG Ref. 030 — Stronchrubie Cliff

NWHG Ref. 031 — Allt Nan Uamh

NWHG Ref. O32 — Creag Nan Uamh Caves

NWHG Ref. 033 — Creag Nan Uamh

NWHG Ref. 034 — Allt Nan Uamh Caves

NWHG Ref. 035 — Bear Cave

NWHG Ref. 036 — Ben More Assynt, Conival And Na Tuadhan

NWHG Ref. 037 — Glen Oykel North

NWHG Ref. 038 — Glen Oykel South

NWHG Ref. 039 — Loch Ailsh Intrusion

NWHG Ref. 040 — Sgonnan Mor, Dubh Loch Beag, Upper Glen Oykel

NWHG Ref. 041 — Luban Croma

NWHG Ref. 042 — Allt Na Cailliche

NWHG Ref. 043 — Loch Borralan Intrusion

NWHG Ref. 044 — Loch Awe Quarry

NWHG Ref. 045 — Cnoc An Leathaid Bhuidhe

NWHG Ref. 046 — Cam Loch Klippe. 94

NWHG Ref. 047 — Creag Na H-Innse Ruaidhe

NWHG Ref. 048 — Cam Loch

NWHG Ref. 049 — Knockan Crag — Moine Thrust Exposure

NWHG Ref. 050 — Loch Sionascaig

NWHG Ref. 051 — Enard Bay

NWHG Ref. 052 — Camas Eilean Ghlais

NWHG Ref. 053 — Rubha Dunan

NWHG Ref. 054 — Achduart

NWHG Ref. 055 — Traigh Allt Chailgeag

NWHG Ref. 056 — Strath Dionard

NWHG Ref. 057 — Loch Glendhu

NWHG Ref. 058 — Suilven.

NWHG Ref. 059 — Quinag (Spidean Coinich, Sail Gharbh, Sail Ghorm)

NWHG Ref. 060 — Stac Pollaidh

NWHG Ref. 061 — Ledmore Esker

NWHG Ref. 062 — Elphin Megagrooves

NWHG Ref. 063 — Stac Fada “Meteorite Site”

NWHG Ref. 064 — Smoo Cave

General sources of further information in relation to The Geodiversity Audit

List of academic references to be used in relation to The Geodiversity Audit

Part 2: Local Geodiversity Action Plan

Action Plan
