NWHG Ref. 016 — Scourie Mor

Location, grid reference and photograph

The site encompasses the peninsula to the west of Scourie Mor, Grid Ref. [NC 144 450][NC 144 437].

(Figure 19) Geologists from across the globe discussion the Lewisian gneiss at Scourie Mor, Peach & Horne field meeting 2007. BGS Photo P667681 — K M Goodenough.

GCR site reference, block, volume and notified feature of SSSI?

GCR Ref. 2459, Lewisian Block, Vol. 34. Notified feature of Scourie Coast SSSI.

Description and geological significance

The site area is representative of the Scourian features of the Mainland Lewisian Gneiss Complex, including exceptional examples of mafic and ultramafic bodies which have undergone granulite-facies metamorphism.


A walk of up to 1 km from the unclassified Scourie More road, over rough and frequently boggy ground, is required to reach the main exposures. No all abilities access, therefore.


Low conservation requirement due to the scale and location of the site.

Visibility and “clarity”

Exposures are not visible from the nearest road but key features are well displayed to the specialist eye once accessed.

Interpretation and interpretation potential

The area is important for geology students and researchers and could be developed as a teaching resource for universities. There is no interpretation panel for the general public and it would not be appropriate to erect one. The site could be included within a guided walk and should certainly be included in a future Geopark guide.

Key references

FRIEND, C.R.L. 2009. Scourie Mor. In Mendum, J. R., Barber, A. J., Butler, R. W. H., Flinn, D., Goodenough, K. M., Krabbendam, M., Park, R. G. & Stewart, A. D. (eds) Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine rocks of Scotland. Geological Conservation Review Series, 34, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, 130–134.

O'HARA, M.J. 1961a. Zoned ultrabasic and basic gneiss masses in the early Lewisian metamorphic complex at Scourie, Sutherland. Journal of Petrology, 2, 248–276.