NWHG Ref. 017 — Camas Nam Buth

Location, grid reference

The site occupies an area on the north side of a small coastal bay west of Scourie, Grid Ref. [NC 143 447].

GCR site reference, block, volume and notified feature of SSSI?

GCR Ref. 701, Mineralogy Block, Vol. 42. Notified feature of Scourie Coast SSSI.

Description and geological significance

The site shows an excellent example of layered intrusive within the Lewisian Gneiss consisting mainly of garnet-pyroxene rock. The site is important petrographically and yields the best garnets seen anywhere in Britain and probably also the only example of a pure pyroxene rock.


There is no all abilities access to the site which is accessed via a walk of about 600 m over rough ground, westwards towards the coast, from the far end of the unclassified Scourie Mor road.


Moderate to high conservation requirement due to the relatively small area of exposure and the very high importance of the site as a locality rich in the highest mineralogical quality garnets which is easily accessed by the public and regularly visited by students of geology. Potential risk of over-sampling and over-collecting.

Visibility and “clarity”

The actual location of the garnetiferous rock can be difficult to locate for those visitors unfamiliar with the site area. Nonetheless, the occurrence of garnets is a dramatic feature to the non-specialist and is visually inspiring, once they are identified.

Interpretation and interpretation potential

This is an important site for geology students and researchers as well as being of fascination to the general public. There is currently no interpretation facility but consideration should be given to erecting an appropriate panel, probably at the Scourie Cemetery car park, leading visitors to the correct location. The site is presently included in a guided walk of the surrounding area undertaken by the Highland Council Countryside Ranger and it should certainly be included in a future Geopark guide.

Key references

SILLS, J.D., SAVAGE, D., WATSON, J.V. & WINDLEY, B.F. 1982. Layered ultramafic-gabbro bodies in the Lewisian of northwest Scotland: geochemistry and petrogenesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 58, 345–360.