NWHG Ref. 033 — Creag nan Uamh

Location, grid reference

The hill feature of Creag nan Uamh rises above the Allt nan Uamh on its southern side, about 1.5 km east of the A 837, Grid Ref. [NC 268 170].

GCR site reference, block, volume and notified feature of SSSI?

GCR Ref. 3044, Quaternary Block, Vol. 6. Notified feature of Ben More Assynt SSSI.

Description and geological significance

The unique assemblage of deposits and fossil animal remains preserved in the caves at Creag nan Uamh provides an important record of environmental conditions and changes in Scotland during at least the last 125,000 years. Of particular importance is the detailed evidence for the range of sub-arctic mammalian species present in the area at the end of the most recent ice age (i.e. about 10,000 years ago).


Access is from the “Bone Caves” car park on the east side of the A 837 ([NC 253 179]) via an unsurfaced path over rough and undulating terrain, sometimes steep. No all abilities access.


High conservation requirement due to nature, fragility and accessibility of this very important site.

Visibility and “clarity”

The site is not visible from the main car park.

Interpretation and interpretation potential

An interpretation panel is currently located at the main “Bear Caves” car park. The site is used by the Highland Council Countryside Rangers for guided walks and should be included in a future Geopark guide.

Key references

LAWSON, T.J. 1988. Caves of Assynt, Grampian Speleological Group.

LAWSON, T. 1995. The Creag nam Uamh caves. In Lawson, T. (eds) The Quaternary of Assynt and Coigach; field guide. ,Quaternary Research Association, Cambridge, 87–103.

LAWSON, T.J. 1993. Creah nam Uamh. In Gordon, J. E. & Sutherland, D. G. (eds) Quaternary of Scotland. Geological Conservation Review Series, 6, Chapman and Hall, London, 127–133.