North West Highlands Geopark (2016) North West Highlands Geopark Geodiversity Audit and Action Plan 2013–2016 Additional notes: These web pages are sourced from the PDF North West Highlands Geopark Geodiversity Audit and Action Plan 2013–2016
North West Highlands Geopark Geodiversity Audit and Action Plan 2013–2016
This project is being part financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community Highland Leader 2007–2013 Programme.
Rocks from the dawn of time
The North West Highlands Geopark
The geology and geological structure of the NWHG
The purpose of the audit and action plan
Part 1 — The Geodiversity Audit
North West Highland Geopark : Location maps
NWHG Ref. 001 — Ben Hutig
NWHG Ref. 002 — Cleit An t-Seabhaig
NWHG Ref. 003 — Eriboll
NWHG Ref. 004 — An t-Sron
NWHG Ref. 005 — Sango Bay
NWHG Ref. 006 — Faraid Head
NWHG Ref. 007 — Balnakeil
NWHG Ref. 008 — Durness
NWHG Ref. 009 — Sandwood Bay
NWHG Ref. 010 — Foinaven
NWHG Ref. 011 — Loch Laxford
NWHG Ref. 012 — Tarbet To Rubha Ruadh
NWHG Ref. 013 — Badcall
NWHG Ref. 014 — Sithean Mor
NWHG Ref. 015 — Scourie Bay
NWHG Ref. 016 — Scourie Mor
NWHG Ref. 017 — Camas Nam Buth
NWHG Ref. 018 — Glencoul
NWHG Ref. 019 — Loch Drumbeg
NWHG Ref. 020 — Stoer
NWHG Ref. 021 — An Fharaid Mhor — Clachtoll
NWHG Ref. 022 — An Fharaid Mhor
NWHG Ref. 023 — The Laird’s Pool, Lochinver
NWHG Ref. 024 — Skiag Bridge
NWHG Ref. 025 — Beinn Gharbh
NWHG Ref. 026 — Cnoc An Droighinn
NWHG Ref. 027 — Traligill Burn
NWHG Ref. 028 — Traligill Caves
NWHG Ref. 029 — Traligill Valley
NWHG Ref. 030 — Stronchrubie Cliff
NWHG Ref. 031 — Allt Nan Uamh
NWHG Ref. O32 — Creag Nan Uamh Caves
NWHG Ref. 033 — Creag Nan Uamh
NWHG Ref. 034 — Allt Nan Uamh Caves
NWHG Ref. 035 — Bear Cave
NWHG Ref. 036 — Ben More Assynt, Conival And Na Tuadhan
NWHG Ref. 037 — Glen Oykel North
NWHG Ref. 038 — Glen Oykel South
NWHG Ref. 039 — Loch Ailsh Intrusion
NWHG Ref. 040 — Sgonnan Mor, Dubh Loch Beag, Upper Glen Oykel
NWHG Ref. 041 — Luban Croma
NWHG Ref. 042 — Allt Na Cailliche
NWHG Ref. 043 — Loch Borralan Intrusion
NWHG Ref. 044 — Loch Awe Quarry
NWHG Ref. 045 — Cnoc An Leathaid Bhuidhe
NWHG Ref. 046 — Cam Loch Klippe. 94
NWHG Ref. 047 — Creag Na H-Innse Ruaidhe
NWHG Ref. 048 — Cam Loch
NWHG Ref. 049 — Knockan Crag — Moine Thrust Exposure
NWHG Ref. 050 — Loch Sionascaig
NWHG Ref. 051 — Enard Bay
NWHG Ref. 052 — Camas Eilean Ghlais
NWHG Ref. 053 — Rubha Dunan
NWHG Ref. 054 — Achduart
NWHG Ref. 055 — Traigh Allt Chailgeag
NWHG Ref. 056 — Strath Dionard
NWHG Ref. 057 — Loch Glendhu
NWHG Ref. 058 — Suilven.
NWHG Ref. 059 — Quinag (Spidean Coinich, Sail Gharbh, Sail Ghorm)
NWHG Ref. 060 — Stac Pollaidh
NWHG Ref. 061 — Ledmore Esker
NWHG Ref. 062 — Elphin Megagrooves
NWHG Ref. 063 — Stac Fada “Meteorite Site”
NWHG Ref. 064 — Smoo Cave
General sources of further information in relation to The Geodiversity Audit
List of academic references to be used in relation to The Geodiversity Audit
Part 2: Local Geodiversity Action Plan
Action Plan
The North West Highlands Geopark (NWHG) became Scotland’s first European Geopark and Global Geopark in 2004. A ‘European Geopark’ is a much sought after status, endorsed by UNESCO (United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) and is a clearly defined area with a geological heritage of particular importance in terms of its scientific quality, rarity, aesthetic appeal and educational value.
The first Development and Action Plan for the NWHG was prepared for 2009–2012, with a key objective to promote conservation of the geological heritage. Through the creation of a Geodiversity Audit, an Action Plan could identify priorities and actions for geodiversity within the Geopark area. In 2010, Donald Fisher was employed as GeoRanger with funding from the Highland LEADER programme and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), with the task of preparing this Audit and writing the first Action Plan.
This Audit provides the first comprehensive listing of key sites within the Geopark. It should not be considered an exhaustive listing but the start of documentation of the geodiversity resource. The Audit has been written in consultation with Scottish Natural Heritage and the British Geological Survey (BGS). Further comments and guidance have been provided by members of the NWHG Steering Group, which has a range of representation from the statutory, voluntary and private sectors. The Action Plan was then created and consultation carried out in a similar manner.
It should be noted though that this version of the Audit and Action Plan has not been circulated for wider stakeholder comment. It therefore has to be regarded as a consultative draft and expresses the views of the author and not necessarily those of the Geopark or any of its partners.
This document identifies actions that indicate how partners could work together to make the most of the area’s geodiversity for education, interpretation and ecotourism. It also identifies where geodiversity requires greater conservation action, particularly where this is under threat.
Thanks are due to all those that have contributed to the production of this document, particularly Maarten Krabbendam and Hugh Baron at BGS, and to Donald Fisher for researching the sites and writing the audit and plan.
Sue Agnew, Operations Officer, Scottish Natural Heritage.